Sunday, September 13, 2009

Science, Unit 1, Week 2: Classification and Vertebrates

This week, we'll be going over some general information about classifying living things. We will focus on vertebrates, as that's what the girls have requested.

We'll start by reading through our science textbook for a quick overview of classification. I'm hoping to get to the library Monday or Tuesday to see if they have any cool picture books about classification. Charlotte will have a couple of workbook pages to complete on vertebrate/invertebrate and I'll pick out some of the textbook discussion questions for Emma. I've got a lesson plan from an elementary school in AZ that we can use as well (it's a little dry but there are some good charts). When needed, we'll take a book break with some videos:

Series of videos on animal classification at How Stuff Works.

Bill Nye on Invertebrates

Then comes this fabulousness:

We'll finish the week with this game calledClassifying Critters over at Howard Hughes Medical Institute.



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