Sunday, April 4, 2010

Menu Planning Sunday

Tossed salad
Spaghetti bolognese

Tofu Stir Fry
Spring Rolls


Tacos & Nachos

Make Your Own crostini

Minestrone & Sammies
Leftover Buffet

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yeah, it's technically Sunday. blah blah blah

Spaghetti & meatsauce
garlic bread

Chicken or bean quesadilla w/ fixins

Soup & Sandwiches

Breaded Chicken


Leftovers of BFD

ham steak
brussel sprouts

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Menu Planning Monday!


breakfast: grits & fruit salad
lunch: sammies
dinner: Mexican pizzas or nachos


breakfast: fruit smoothies & yogurt
lunch: Celeste pizza for ones
dinner: salad, hot dogs, green beans, french fries


lunch: sandwiches, hard boiled eggs and fruit
dinner: BFD: pancakes & bacon


breakfast: scramble
lunch: spaghetti and meatballs
dinner: spaghetti & meatballs and leftovers


breakfast: pancakes
lunch: sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, fruit
dinner: frozen pizza


breakfast: scramble
lunch: ramen
dinner: tofu stir fry


breakfast: french toast
lunch: leftovers, sammies
dinner: meatloaf, mashed potatoes,

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tofu stir fry w. lo mein noodles

Soup and sandwich

hot dogs
green beans

burritos & tacos

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Geek out

Ok, I've got an iPhone!! Feeling so happy in my geekdom.

I'm loading up and auditioning apps. So far, I love the games Gaia Lite and TapOut. For Twitter, the current top contenders are Tweetdeck (which I use on my MacBook) and twitterific. I love the look of twitbird and that it automatically threads conversations but then there is a lot more clutter on screen--- and thus more scrolling. I hear greT things abt tweetie but i want to put off paying fir apps as long as possible.

So, if you have apps you love, let me know!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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Friday, February 19, 2010

Pagan Lent

I spent some time following various Christian paths when I was a kid. My favorite for ritual and imagery was always Catholicism. And my favorite religious season was Lent. I loved Ash Wednesday mass---from the readings to the imposition of ashes on forehead. And I always felt renewed by the act of forgoing a pleasure or habit during Lent---for a lack of something in my day that would remind me of and keep me connected to the divinity and the upcoming Holy Days of Palm Sunday through Easter Monday.

I am no longer Christian---truthfully I never was. I never felt any connection to Jesus Christ at all. And I was always more interested in Mary's story than that of God or Christ. While the feminine imagery of Catholicism is much of what drew me in, it was ultimately the Church's dismissal of feminism that really turned me off (and pushed me into the arms of the Methodist Church for a while. lol).

As a pagan, I find following the Wheel of the Year very intuitive. Paganism is a user-friendly path. And it reminds me that nearly all culture and religions have similar annual paths. Christians are not the only ones who spend the time between mid-winter and Spring in reflection and denial. Traditionally, we are using up the last of winter stores of food. So many of us are feeling done with winter weather, although we know we have plenty more to get through. This is a time of planning, of change, of meditation and quiet. The reminder on Ash Wednesday is that we have things we may wish to repent for and we have habits we may wish to change. I can get in line with that. Lent is a lesson in atonement and connecting to your spirituality on a very tangible basis. I can totally dig on that.

So I read some stuff on Pagan Lent. Lent, like many other Christian religious observances, has a lot of ties to ancient pagan religions. Urban dictionary actually defines it as a time of abstaining from alcohol between Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day. I'd never heard that slang usage but I kind of like it. School of the Seasons has a great entry on a pagan approach to the Lenten season. I'm thinking of it more as a spiritual practice. And I want to give up something that feeds my soul. My spirituality is less about deprivation and more about honoring the divine in myself. To that end, I am going to work on scheduling some unplugged time---every day. And not to spend that time cleaning or teaching the children or reading or sleeping. But to sit in contemplation or knit (without the tv on) or play cards or meditate.

I maintain that it is the turning of seasons---the need we have to know that spring and rebirth are coming, the desire to cleanse ourselves to be ready to plant new things----that fuels this pull for Lent, for turning inward and connecting with our own spirits so we are regenerated and fresh when it is time to head back outdoors and into society and nature. I can't wait.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Unit 4, Week 1

Yikes! I am behind on lesson planning.

Ok, I have the basic workbook pages planned out. On to the videos!

Unit 4's Reading and Language Arts and Writing focus on poetry, comparative writing and vocabulary expansion. No real videos for that. ;)

This unit of math is all about fractions and decimals.
Here's a cheesy but solid introduction to fractions:

The video goes into his lesson plan, which I just downloaded from Video Math Tutor and looks pretty good. We'll give it a whirl alongside the workbook unit we have and I'll let you all know if it's any good. It's free, so there's that! lol It'll most likely depend on how much the girls like the video approach.

We'll be studying US Geography for a bit. Regions, states & capitols, major bodies of water and mountain ranges. We do this unit pretty much every year. lol I think geography is just the kind of thing that builds up over time. Here's Wakko from Animaniacs going through the capitols:

The song that taught me the 50 states in alphabetical order "Fifty Nifty United States!"

Unit 4 Science is all about Electricity and Magnetism. We've got some cool books and experiments. Here's a catchy cheesy Bill Nye tune to set the mood:

Bill explains static electricity

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Midwinter Festivals

Midwinter is coming! Do you know what that means? End of Winter is coming!!!!! Praise be to Maude!

Tomorrow is Vasant Panchami, which is the Hindu celebration of Saraswati. Saraswati is the goddess of Knowledge and Art. The day is celebrated with offerings of yellow sweets and honey to statues of the goddess that are draped in yellow fabric. Many Hindus also mark this day as the start of formal education of young children. This is the day they will begin to teach reading and writing to preschool-aged children. This festival also marks the coming of spring and the Hindu festival of colors, Holi. According to this site, the traditional prayer to Saraswati ends with "Oh Mother Sarasvati remove the darkness (ignorance) of my mind and bless me with the eternal knowledge." That sounds like a prayer for Spring and the return of the sun to me.
Here's a lovely chant for Sarasvati:

It's interesting how the holidays and holy days of so many cultures and religions follow the earth. The pagan festival of Imbolc is coming up. Our family marks that with a pretty traditional ritual of drinking cold milk and sweeping out the house (back corner to the front door---symbolizing Spring cleaning in its many forms). Imbolc is, I think, the same day as the Catholic holiday of Candelmas, or the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. And then there's Groundhog Day, where we put a lot of social pressure on a poor little rodent to save us all from seasonal depression. So, lots of way to welcome the last half of winter and start looking forward to spring.

I'm so ready.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010


So I finally took down and packed up the Yule tree yesterday. I had been toying with the idea of decorating it for Imbolc & Valentine's Day and leaving it up until Ostara but after taking the Christmas decorations off it just seemed out of place. So, off it went. Hopefuly, that's the last time that tree will stand in this house!

Packing away the tree means furniture rearranging, of course. We had moved our dining table out of the living room and into the kitchen to accommodate the tree. We have been enjoying the table in the kitchen so now we have all this space in the living room to fill up. I've got the furniture set up pretty well in there now and I'm enjoying the openness.

We also took the opportunity of the open space to focus on decluttering in the living room. Char was finally ready to let go of some of the younger picture books and early reader books! I have a whole rubbermaid tub of books to give away. I will let my homeschool friends look through it first and then offer them to a charity. I recycled the ones that were torn or shredded or just love don a wee bit too hard.

Reorganizing the living room meant, of course, borrowing furniture from the kitchen so I ended up cleaning and orging that room as well. Nt a huge change, but definitely pared down. I am donating some of the baking things I don't use and I tossed a few old teflon pans that were flaking and had been put to the side. Why I didn't toss them when I saw they were unusable, I don't know. I do need more cookware but I am going to wait until we move.

Anyway, I'll try and get some pics up of the changes pretty soon. Gotta make breakfast now!
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Menu Planning Sunday

Burritos & Tacos
Chips & Salsa

Tossed Salad
Soup & Sammies

Tofu Stir Fry

Breaded chicken tenders
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans

Pasta & Tomato Sauce


Leftovers/Free for All

Read more "Menu Planning Sunday..."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Breasts, Cancer, Feminism and Internet Memes

I have a strong dislike for this particular FB meme where women are supposed to name the color of their bra as a way to raise awareness about breast cancer. As this wonderful blog post reminds us, the meme is actually a slap in the face to many survivors who no longer wear bras because they have had mastectomies.

My maternal great-grandmother was a breast cancer survivor, as is my MIL. My nana had a single mastectomy in the 30s or 40s when cosmetic reconstruction was unheard of and her scars were just awful. She wore a prosthetic breast that was inserted in to specially made, very expensive bras (that only came in one color).

The cutesy awareness things really push my buttons. It is maddening that to get any kind of attention or research it seems like we have to make women's health issues cute and/or sexy. We should save the boobs because men like to play with them! Not that we should save women's lives because women's lives are inherently valuable!

There's a similar thing on twitter with the hashtag boobiewed where women (and men, peripherally) are encouraged to changed their av to show off their cleavage in some variation of "save the tatas." Maybe I'm just some humorless feminist, but I resent that the way to raise awareness about a disease that kills and injures women at such an alarming rate is to be cutesy and sexy and remind everyone what lovely playthings our breasts are. And, don't get me wrong, I LOVE my breasts. I own maybe 2 shirts that would not be considered low-cut, I love my big push up bras and I love my cleavage and I show it off all the time. But I won't do it to pander for "awareness" and money and attention to go to research. That shit should happen because we value lives, not because someone flashes us some boobs.
Read more "Breasts, Cancer, Feminism and Internet Memes..."

Friday Funnies

Just your basic link dump and youtube roundup of funnies and aweomseness:

Have a complaint to register? This generator is for you! Just put in the name of the person, persons or company/institution about whom/which you wish to complain, and this site spits out a few paragraphs of verbose anger. Por ejemplo, I put in The Tea Bagger Party and got three paragraphs. Some highlights:

If we don't do something soon, The Tea Bagger Party's unctuous inclinations will rise like a golem with a million hands on a million throats to choke the honor out of decent, hardworking people...

The problem is, The Tea Bagger Party plans to ridicule the accomplishments of generations of great men and women. What can you do about that? Start by reading about how The Tea Bagger Party's skills are generally used to exploit, abuse, and exert power. Become informed about the deceit, lies, and propaganda surrounding its promotion of interdenominationalism. ...

Stand with me, be honest with me, and help me transcend traditional thinking, and together we'll encourage individuals to come out of their cocoons and flourish. We'll build a sane and healthy society free of The Tea Bagger Party's destructive influences. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading this.

Don't you love that? Awesome.

Roy Zimmerman is pretty dang hilarious. What if the Beatles were Irish?

The Comics Curmudgeon will make you not only lol, but quite possibly lyao.

I have no words. Watch the video below.

And the flow chart:

So, what did you find funny on the interwebz this week?
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beautification: Spice Shelf

I'm working on making someone beautiful every day, as well as decluttering. Today I worked on the shelf above the kitchen sink, where we keep our most oft-used spices and our daily vitamins. The end product may not be all that beautiful but it is clean, organized and useful. This project spurred a full clean of our medicine cabinet too. All told, I tossed over 20 things of expired meds, old liquid medicine cups, empty spice bottles and just trash that was taking up space.

The shelf before:

and after:

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Some things that really need tackling today!
  • clean out email inbox
  • write up list of LIGHT phone calls to be made
  • make at least 3 phone calls for LIGHT
  • if needed, email for help making phone calls
  • tweek blog
  • manicure!
  • email about Friday's zoo trip
  • make bathroom chore list
That's enough. I want the list to be possible to complete. I have a shit ton more stuff that needs doing, but I'm going to try and do these for now. :)

What about you, what are you tackling today? Just push forward, do one thing you've been putting off! You can do it!
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yay! 2009 is all gone! Buh-bye, shitastic year!

I've got a lot of things brewing/percolating/marinating for 2010. Some really great energy from that Blue Moon and I think, perhaps, it's just my time to get back onto my Path. I'm feeling there is a way, here, so close, to melding my spirituality, my community organizing & political interests and my arts-craftsy stuff all together. Into something that both feeds my soul and can be a source of income for me.

I'm starting by creating, because this is the best way I know to get a hold of my thoughts and focus. I bought this Goddess Workbook Planner from Goddess Leonie and I lurve it. I have printed it out and I'm completing it bit by bit and it's really helping me visualize what I want my life and space and self to be. Good stuff. If you are in need of some focus and prompting, I highly recommend it. Her whole site is gorgeous and inspirational.

I'm also updating my Pagan Home Management Binder, which I have sort of let go of in recent months. I'm rereading that thread, which my friend Jess and I ran over at mdc, and it's bringing back a lot of great memories----of making the binder and of working with Jess, who is amazing. I'm hoping to collaborate more with her in the future.

Anyway, I'm hoping I'll have more tangible to show/write about in the next couple of days. :) Read more "Happy New Year!..."

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