Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Funnies

Just your basic link dump and youtube roundup of funnies and aweomseness:

Have a complaint to register? This generator is for you! Just put in the name of the person, persons or company/institution about whom/which you wish to complain, and this site spits out a few paragraphs of verbose anger. Por ejemplo, I put in The Tea Bagger Party and got three paragraphs. Some highlights:

If we don't do something soon, The Tea Bagger Party's unctuous inclinations will rise like a golem with a million hands on a million throats to choke the honor out of decent, hardworking people...

The problem is, The Tea Bagger Party plans to ridicule the accomplishments of generations of great men and women. What can you do about that? Start by reading about how The Tea Bagger Party's skills are generally used to exploit, abuse, and exert power. Become informed about the deceit, lies, and propaganda surrounding its promotion of interdenominationalism. ...

Stand with me, be honest with me, and help me transcend traditional thinking, and together we'll encourage individuals to come out of their cocoons and flourish. We'll build a sane and healthy society free of The Tea Bagger Party's destructive influences. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading this.

Don't you love that? Awesome.

Roy Zimmerman is pretty dang hilarious. What if the Beatles were Irish?

The Comics Curmudgeon will make you not only lol, but quite possibly lyao.

I have no words. Watch the video below.

And the flow chart:

So, what did you find funny on the interwebz this week?



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