Thursday, January 14, 2010


So I finally took down and packed up the Yule tree yesterday. I had been toying with the idea of decorating it for Imbolc & Valentine's Day and leaving it up until Ostara but after taking the Christmas decorations off it just seemed out of place. So, off it went. Hopefuly, that's the last time that tree will stand in this house!

Packing away the tree means furniture rearranging, of course. We had moved our dining table out of the living room and into the kitchen to accommodate the tree. We have been enjoying the table in the kitchen so now we have all this space in the living room to fill up. I've got the furniture set up pretty well in there now and I'm enjoying the openness.

We also took the opportunity of the open space to focus on decluttering in the living room. Char was finally ready to let go of some of the younger picture books and early reader books! I have a whole rubbermaid tub of books to give away. I will let my homeschool friends look through it first and then offer them to a charity. I recycled the ones that were torn or shredded or just love don a wee bit too hard.

Reorganizing the living room meant, of course, borrowing furniture from the kitchen so I ended up cleaning and orging that room as well. Nt a huge change, but definitely pared down. I am donating some of the baking things I don't use and I tossed a few old teflon pans that were flaking and had been put to the side. Why I didn't toss them when I saw they were unusable, I don't know. I do need more cookware but I am going to wait until we move.

Anyway, I'll try and get some pics up of the changes pretty soon. Gotta make breakfast now!


Anonymous said...

Decluttering feels so good, especially this time of year :)

bethany said...

It really does. I love the idea of decluttering to make room for the returning sun of longer days. Making time and room for warmth and rebirth and Spring. yay!


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