Friday, August 1, 2008

Lammas and the Leo New Moon and the Solar Eclispe

Well, there is certainly a lot of spiritual energy out there today, isn't there!

We didn't get to see much of the solar eclipse today but I did watch a live telecast from China on the NASA website. It was pretty cool.

[zomg, in the middle of typing this, I got up to let the dog outside and there were two really pretty pit bulls in the back yard. Now, I know full well in my head that pitties can be sweet and kind and gentle---I have known plenty of them, none mean!---but I freaked out! Rufus is old and can be slightly ornery when other animals come on his property. Thankfully, these dogs were very gentle and left the premises when Rufus "roo!'d" at them. lolz Still, I'm kind of shaken up!]

Ok, so solar eclipse. I feel like this is the moon's way of saying---Hey!! Look at me!!!! I'm really important!! I love the moon, I especially love the morning moon. So, and early morning solar eclipse is really meaningful to me.

The Leo new moon, as I've been reading, is all about being a shining star and leader, about excelling at what you love and do best. New moons are about planting and starting fresh, new projects. This comes at a wonderful time as I'm working at integrating a new filing and paperwork system (which I'm really excited about).

Lammas signifies the beginning of the end of summer. Here on Long Island, August is definitely the dog days of summer. It's too hot and too humid to do pretty much anything but sit at the beach or poolside and read or visit with friends. I love August! BBQs, mojitos, swimming, playing, heat lightning and summer evening thunderstorms. And, back to school shopping and school year planning and looking forward to the harvest season and the changes of Fall. Perfect.



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